The Peace Corps.
The Peace Corps was created by the president John F. Kennedy on March 1, 1961. Its mission is to provide assistance to developing nations by sending experts in education, agriculture, technology, environment and women´s empowerment, etc. They are assigned to specific projects.
Gordiner uses irony in that occurrence, for it is ironic that the wife seems to be more trusting of the unemployed vagrants than her maid. One would expect the opposite, that she would be more doubtful of them and that the maid would inspire her to help them.
The extract illustrates the difficult societal circumstances and conflicts which were created by a legalized system of oppression. In the first place, whites, in terms of the apartheid system were placed in superior position and could play a part in all the privileges such a system granted them. All the other races were classified as second or third class members of the society. This obviously led to huge inequalities in the socio-economic status of the different racially classified groups.
Since white people were a privileged class, it was reasonable that a great number of them would adopt a part of superiority and they would look down to the less privileged. Their actions were not essentially guided by sense of obligatory duty or pity but they felt being superior meaning that they could be patronized and make available for those in need. Furthermore, because of the huge difference, the less privileged classes were required into subservient positions and this led to manipulation and abuse that survival became a anxious struggle. Many earned pittance and lived in impoverished conditions.
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Abigail Adams, on March 31, 1776, in a letter addressed to her husband, John Adams.
God commanded the Jewish People to observe the Sabbath and keep it holy as the fourth of the Ten Commandments. The idea of a day of rest comes from the Bible story of the Creation: God rested from creating the universe on the seventh day of that first week, so Jews rest from work on the Sabbath.