Answer: In Beowulf, Hrothgar is characterized as being old and weak, although he was once a noble and mighty ruler.
Explanation: This is because he has lived his life in the greatest manner he could
Smiths text is the historical backdrop of Virginia. Smith looked for new monetary open doors. While hunting down assets Smith and his men are as far as anyone knows, assaulted by Indians. The Indians slaughter the men that Smith was joined by amid his mission. They save Smith's life in return for his compass as that was something new and valuable for them. The Indian chief Powhatan needs Smith murdered, however his girl Pocahontas protects Smith. Smith's text is depicted as a romantic tale by a few, while others trust it is white men taking property and another society's ladies.
During the concentration camp, Wiesel saw a sign that said " WARNING! DANGER OF DEATH" the message was really ironic since most of the people gathered within the camp were the subject of the Gas Chamber or the mass murder methods
Page 6, is where Lennie talks about tending the rabbits in the book of mice and men.