While living in New York, Riis experienced poverty and became a police reporter writing about the quality of life in the slums. He attempted to alleviate the bad living conditions of poor people by exposing their living conditions to the middle and upper classes. since he was an immigrant it probably put him into the same shoes as these images, without even having to empathize. its human nature to want better for yourself, and your family and friends, so this is what he hopes to do, and it worked, he sparked a progressive era for the "slums".
Judge Sotomayor's record on the tribunal and her speeches and articles as a complete speak to her integrity and her commitment to the rule of law."
Extended usually, Sotomayor's speeches demonstrate an enduring ethnic dignity and persuasions of Latino self-help, normally joined with statistics explaining the degree to which Hispanics trail non-Hispanics in enlightenment and profit.
1. He said they were insecure and scared of the West.
2. Containment is just a policy to stop communism.
The Patriots had more supplies, could get supplies easier, had a home court/familiar territory advantage, and had more motivation. The British had less supplies, had to ship supplies overseas, were unfamiliar with the territory/far from home, and had little motivation. The patriots won because of their surplus in supplies, the British lost because they ran out of supplies.