The election of Abraham Lincoln as the President of the United States
Jetsun Pema is the Queen which literally means "Dragon Queen" of Bhutan. She is married to King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. She is the youngest queen in the world. She is also the mother of Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, heir to the throne of Bhutan, as well as the mother of the second-born prince, Jigme Ugyen Wangchuck.Jetsun Pema accompanied Jigme Khesar on several of his royal visits to various parts of Bhutan before their wedding, and as Queen of Bhutan, accompanies him on all such visits. The royal visits on road through the country involve meeting and interacting with as many local people, students and public servants as possible.
<u>Prophecy of the Volva</u>
Voluspa, or more accurately Völuspá is the first set of Viking Age poetry in the Poetic Edda, a Norse Mythology Book, some might say THE Norse Mythology book! The Völuspá translates to mean the “Prophecy of the Volva” or “Prophecy of the Seer.” A Volva was a wise-woman in old Norse culture.
It is commonly thought that the poem was composed in Iceland about the year 1000, when Icelanders perceived the fall of their ancient gods and the approach of Christianity. The story is told by an age-old seeress who was reared by primeval giants.
It tells the story of the creation of the world and its coming end, related to the audience by a völva(a Viking witch was known as a Völva, and they were considered to be powerful seeresses, shamans as well as workers of Seidr magic) addressing Odin. It is one of the most important primary sources for the study of Norse mythology. Henry Adam Bellows proposed a 10th-century dating and authorship by a pagan Icelander with knowledge of Christianity.
D) to divide former Ottoman and German territories among Allied Powers
The World War I ended with a win of the Allies. This mean that they also managed to get their hands on the territories that were occupied by the Germans and the Ottomans until then. The territories in question were in the Middle East and in Africa. The Mandate System was practically having the purpose of the Allies to make an agreement as to who will take which territory under their control in the name of the League of Nations, thus dividing the territories in accordance to their interest in a peaceful manner.