Okay well Caesar and Brutus were friends of course. When Brutus decides to join the conspirators in their plot to kill Caesar. The second downfall is that he refused to listen to Cassius. Cassius told Brutus to kill Antony along with Caesar but he did not want the conspirators to appear as butchers so he allowed Antony to live And the last downfall is when he gave Antony permission to speak at Caesars funeral Again Cassius warned Brutus not to let Antony speak Cassius feared that Antony would turn the people against the conspirators and that exactly what happened Brutus had to flea for his life which ultimately lead to his dead.
I believe the answer is 3rd person
However will transition to a different point in a speech. The other options would reference sentence one.
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Individuals should not be allowed to own exotic pets. These animals usually have temperature needs. An example of this would be komodo dragons. They need a rather warm environment in order to survive. If the person lives in a cold climate, the lizard will inevitably end up going into a cage. Going off of that, the majority of these animals are held in cages(especially if large.) Lastly, Some exotic animals could be harmful or dangerous depending on species. If a owner decides to adopt a large cat, it is recommended to declaw them because of their massive claws. This can lead to infections in the cat’s paws and makes it very uncomfortable for the animal.
Thx for the topic