Enzymes are proteins that catalyse (speed up) vital chemical reactions inside the body. Enzymes will only function properly under a small range of certain conditions, such as preferred pH and temperature. If any conditions are outside their specific range then the enzymes cannot function. This could cause the organism to die. Homeostasis relies on automatic control systems that include nervous responses (nervous system) or chemical responses (endocrine system). Receptors and effectors are also needed
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The answer is a C. The offsprings from this generation are from a cross between parents who are heterozygous (one parent) and homozygous recessive. This means that all the offsprings of the filial 1 (one) generation will carry a recessive allele. However, those with an equivalent dominant allele will not exhibit the attached earlobe trait. This is shown by the Punnet square below;
Answer and Explanation
The normal microbiota that harbouring an R plasmid will transmit its R plasmid to the normal microbiota because the normal microbiota does not have R plasmid after transmission of R plasmid its increases the resistance capacity of normal microbiota. This is the significance of normal microbiota that harbours an R PLASMID.