Christopher Columbus
In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He discovered some Islands in the Caribbean and he discovered South America.
In 1917, two revolutions appeared in Russia. These revolutions would end the imperial rule which had been established for centuries.
Through the revolutions in Russia in 1917, there would be some social changes that would allow the establishment of the Soviet Union.
The majority of countries in Western Europe considered Russia as an undeveloped society. During the Russian Empire, serfdom was practiced. This was a form of feudalism which forced the landless peasants to attend the nobility's lands.
However, this practice had been abolished in most of Western Europe's countries by the end of the Middle Ages.
Answer:Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar ensured that Napoleon would never invade Britain. Nelson, hailed as the savior of his nation, was given a magnificent funeral in St. Paul's Cathedral in London. A column was erected to his memory in the newly named Trafalgar Square, and numerous streets were renamed in his honor.