<span> Recently, cheap air travel has increased immigration from Asia and Latin America.</span>
<span>The </span>transcontinental railroad<span> helped to increase the speed at which </span>coast<span> to </span>coast communication<span> was possible. The railroad allowed for </span>
he was a staff planner in the War. Department skills, he was not so automatically sure of his ability in a be made that even the best possible strategies sometimes fail and invasion with the British advocating delay as long as possible to get people of different nationalities and viewpoints to work.
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The native population was lower than it really was in order for the conquerors to say they moved into a mostly uninhabited space and did not take it from anyone
When conquerors describe the population of people they conquered, oftentimes they will distort facts by saying that the number of people there were smaller than they actually were to show that they really did not steal the land from them but merely moved into an unoccupied land.
This tactic is popular with known explorers and conquerors such as Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, etc.