Dont waste your points over this please
The excerpt that reveals Laura's Dominican is that there was a problem with what he or she was doing so he or she had to fix it.
Because it says that there was a problem with her car and that it needs to be fixed.
Answer: Possessive nouns have function as adjectives
Possessive nouns are showing ownership and they have an apostrophe or ''s'', or both. For example: Today's weather, Mary's book, Dog's food, Owls' eyes.
Because of that, they function as adjectives but they are still possessive nouns.
''I can't find Mary's book.''
<em>Mary's</em> is a possessive noun ( because it's telling us that the book is Mary's) and <em>Mary's</em> is functioning as an adjective and modifying the noun <em>book</em>.
Examples for possessive adjectives: This is <u><em>our</em></u> house.
Hey, that's <em><u>my</u></em> phone.
Possessive adjectives list: your, my, his, her, its, our, their. Possessive adjectives can replace noun to show ownership of something.
We throw away stuff.
We (sometimes unintentionally and sometimes not) throw away food wasting it. People do this on a regular basis, causing food waste to be very high in countries such as the US and the UK where there aren't as many poor people, as there are in countries like Africa.