Much of past civilizations have endured many failures and triumphs throughout their existence. In the third century, there were many civilizations that started to flourish. One of these civilizations that started to expand was the Byzantine civilization. The Byzantine civilization, also regarded as Byzantium, was part of the Roman Empire which was divided in 395 AD. Byzantium had shared the same attitude, as the Roman Empire, toward exercising its authority over its citizens and throughout its empire. The Islamic civilization had started thrive in the fifth century. The Islamic civilization was unified together as unison by Islam and it has expanded its civilization throughout parts of Europe through jihad. Because of their expansions …show more content…
Not only do both these civilizations share the same political system, but as well as the social structure, which is important for indicating the social organization in a civilization. The Byzantine Empire consisted with a society that included the upper class, middle class, and lower class. The upper class consisted of officials, members of government, and citizens who were wealthy. The middle class included merchants, and traders. The lower class consisted of slaves that were enslaved from the expansion of the Byzantine Empire. These slaves had the chance to worship God and be part of the community, but slavery for harsh punishment continued. The Islamic civilization had a similar social structure as the Byzantine Empire. The upper class was known as the Abbasids, they were known as judges, merchants, and government officials, and its citizens. The citizens lived in different conditions unlike Abbasids. Abbasids were privileged to be living courtyards and in temples. Slaves were common in Islamic culture, were given the right to believe in Allah and work as soldiers for the Islamic military. These classes indicate the similar features of society of both civilizations. In addition to political and social structure, both civilizations share the same economy. Byzantine and Islamic civilization use similar approaches to promote their economy. They have engaged in trading with other civilizations. Byzantine was a large exporter of grain and silk. Their
The social context (Option E)
The social context of the crime is not associated with copycat crime. Most crime that are copycats, (i.e A same crime ,done in the same pattern but committed by a different person is an example of copycat crime.) are done due to the criminal figure to the public. Most copycat tend to commit the same crime because of the criminal public figure and this figure is linked to the social media, and the crime , which is the initial crime committed by the first author of such crime. Th social context is not a factor because not all crimes are related in a social context point of view.
Economic argument could be seen as an attempt to support the idea of promoting economic growth thorough promotion of trade. It supports that the integration makes an attempt to to achieve additional gains from the free flow of trade and investment between countries beyond those attainable under international agreements such as the WTO.
The political argument holds that with such arrangements and agreements , nations linked each other and become more dependent on each other and forming a structure where they regularly have to interact, the likelihood of violent conflict and war will decrease, and also by linking nations together, they have greater clout and are politically much stronger in dealing with other nations.
Discriminatory tariff reductions lead to trade creation and trade diversion, due to which there is a fall in regional integration.
Here are some ideas for argumental topics that allow you to collect information to support your opinion.
Moral Dilemmas
A moral dilemma forces you to think about the right thing to do in a challenging situation. Is it right to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family? Is it right to kill someone who is endangering your life? Can two wrongs ever make a right? A good dilemma allows for development on either side of the argument, which is why moral dilemmas are perfect argumental topics.
Political Issues
Political issues are excellent argumental topics if you need inspiration. A little research into opposing politicians' speeches can help you discover the basics of either position. Take these basics and transform the arguments into your own words for a great argumentative essay.
Human Rights Issues
Whether it's crime and punishment or interfering with another government's crime and punishment, human rights issues can make a great argumental topic. Whose needs are the most important? You must choose whether to interfere or not, and defend that choice.
Issues of Personal Interest
If you're looking for something closer to home for your argumental topic, choose an issue near and dear to your heart. Should the school cafeteria serve more pizza or more organic produce? Does every teenager need a cell phone and a car? You've argued with your parents, now turn it into an actual argumental topic and support your heartfelt point of view. As a bonus, you may be able to make real changes in your personal life to your own benefit.
The best argumental topics have two possible valid points of view and provide room for you to gather plenty of evidence in support of the side that you choose. Remember to support your own point of view and find talking points to undermine the opposition. This shows that you truly understand the argumental topic you're discussing.
60 Days
It is illegal if to drink and drive. If detectable amount of alcohol is found in your system then you could be fined for this. If you are caught for the first time then your license can be suspended for 60 days. Fine up to 500 dollars, 20-40 hours of community service and mandatory alcohol-awareness classes are other types of penalties that one can face.
It is called the Transformational leaders. These are leaders that endeavor to raise representatives' level of responsibility and encourage trust and inspiration.
These leaders impart a feeling of mission, empower better approaches for considering, and upgrade and in addition create new learning encounters. They endeavor to advance exercises and conduct through a mutual vision and normal learning background. Can decidedly impact the corporate culture.