Similes compare two things. Because clowns are considered by most to be very funny, the object would also have to be something funny.
Therefore you could say...
A clown is as funny as a medieval joker.
A clown is as funny as a cat barking like a dog.
A clown is as funny as a comedy movie.
Hey there mate :)
To do - Fill in the blanks.
Answer -
In his description of Kublai Khan's palace, Marco Polo said : "Kublai Khan's court is an unbelievable scene for European eyes. The huge central palace has a dining hall for 6,000 people; gold and silver jewels the inside of its walls. On New Year's Day, the Khan recieves presents from his subjects. Many water canals are present around the palace and in the capital city Beijing. A great many people make silk clothes."
Whenever technology upgrades, there are more effects. Take social media for example, before there wasn't much that could be done on the button phones but now with smartphones, tablets etc then comes cyber bullying, cat fishing etc