If your talking about the snake then..
This cartooon represents the colonies in a form of a chopped up snake. Benjamin Frankflin is trying to represent that, if the colonies dont all join together then they will fall deeply and harshly to there death in battle.
By being privy to Granny’s death, the reader can infer much about her life. The title describes the enormous hurt and humiliation that has secretly festered in her mind and heart for sixty years. Her great pride was devastated by her jilting; although she married a good man, raised a family, and managed a farm by herself after her husband’s death, she never totally got over the shock and disappointment of George’s rejection. The fact that she has saved George’s letters suggests how much he continued to mean to her in her heart and how the pain of her jilting remained with her for sixty years.
Becaause she is crying and trying not to be observed
B: "I think," Morgan started, "that we better get home before dark."