C, The armies used roads to travel quickly. Roads facilitated the movement of armies, people, and goods across plains, deserts and mountains.
Taxation without representation means that the colonists believed that they should not be taxed by a government, if they were not even allowed to hold office in said government. The colonists considered this a problem because even though the French-Indian war had put a dent in British economy, the colonists were not even allowed to decide whether the war should happen in the first place. After all it was their homeland. In addition the colonists, not being allowed to hold office, could not propose any modifications to the taxes.
No taxation without representation
The colonists considered taxation without representation as tyranny hence the coining of the slogan which captured the reason for the Revolutionary War. This is because the colonists were not allowed to choose representatives to parliament in London, which passed the laws under which they were taxed.
Why was the government's decision to raise bread prices such a crucial cause of the French Revolution? Bread symbolized the French peasants' hard labor, and raising its prices symbolized the government's disrespect. ... Bread was a rare commodity in France, and higher prices made it even harder to obtain.