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The Declaration of Independence is named the Declaration of Independence because it is when the 13 colonies wrote their grievances to Great Britain and stated they will be separated from Britain's rule and be their own nation.
The Pahlavi and the Ayatollah Khomeini regimes were diametrically opposed. The Pahlavi dynasty ruled Iran from 1925 to 1979. The Pahlavi's were closely associated with the West and ruled in an autocratic matter. This was especially true during the Cold War. Thoroughly western in orientation, women enjoyed significant freedoms in terms of their mobility in public life. The Shah's repression of dissidents led to dissatisfaction among students and the religious right. The last Shah of Iran was forced to resign and leave the country. The Khomeni government represented the ascendancy of the religious rights. Iran became a theocracy and women were increasingly relegated to the margins. They were forced to adhere to religious doctrine, and wear the hijab (Islamic head covering)
<span>The Human Development Index (HDI) is a measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development. The United Nations maintains this index. </span>
Some indicators that the HDi measure are:
- education
-gross national income
-life expectancy