The colossal heads that they carved.
The Olmecs carved big heads in the south region of the Gulf of Mexico. These heads are not identical. Each one has its unique features. Experts in the Olmecs society think that they might represent significant people for the Olmec civilization since they are all different and placed in Olmec centers, which were places of high activity and importance for this society.
Answer:They would be a good example of role satisfaction theory of aging which is known as CONTINUITY
Continuity theory refers to a state in which elders maintain their status, same activities, behavior and the relationships they used to have in their youthful days. Based on this theory adults use their previously acquired experience and adjust them in their recent activities.
This is the state in which people aims to maintain balance in their life.
They my not be doing the exact same thing but they still use the same skills they had acquired in their youthful years.
In Japan, inemuri is the practice of napping in public.
"present while sleeping", may occur in work meetings or classes.
in this case, Kai should highlight his cooperation skills, such as When a member of Kai's group fell behind, he helped her so the group would finish on schedule.
For interviewers ability to work in a team is extremely important since since companies tend to be separated into different departements whose function is correlated with one another. Helping others who is experiencing indicates that you are a team players and a valuable asset to the team.
As described in the book: Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Practice, and Law by Larry J. Siegel, Brandon C. Welsh. That happens because adolescents tend to be inclined to take risks and also ignore the potentially negative consequences of this risky conduct (unlike adults) for example.