A noun phrase consists of words that function as a noun. The sentence that uses a noun phrase as the object of a preposition is: Johnny will take them all to the south flea market. The correct answer would be option A. The preposition in this sentence is "to" and the object of the preposition is "south flea market" and this is an example of a noun phrase.
6th grade story from my life.
In 6th grade,I lived in Mansfield, Ohio. At school I met a girl named shyloh. We didn't talk a lot but talked to each other since she was the friend of one my other friend Quilana at the time. I thought she was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen on this earth and i became self conscious of myself around her. Me and my friend went to her house once and while Quilana was in the bathroom, I summed up the courage to tell Shyloh how i felt and she told me she felt the same way and kissed my cheek.
As we started talking more, i started to tell her "I love you". She would always say it back and i was always so happy and excited whenever i saw or thought of her. After a while, i started thinking about our relationship. I noticed that shyloh never told me she loved me. She would only ever say "I love you too. I brought it up to her and she said she was sorry. After that day it was almost like she didn't want to even be around me.
After school, we got on the bus and i sat next to her and asked her if she was okay and said yes. We sat in an awkward silence for a bit and I asked her "do you really love me?" She told me, "no i dont. i never did. I only wanted to be friends and when you told me how you felt i didnt want to risk losing you as someone that supports me." She eventually moved away to Indiana a few months after that and i never heard from her again.
I still like to pretend that she's here sometimes. It hurts to think about her sometimes but I hope she's doing good. If she does ever end up reading this then I MISS YOU.
Your new garden hose is a noun phrase so the second one
hope that helped
The word opprobrium most likely means "criticism". A word that is a synonym for opprobrium is "disapproval".
Opprobrium means harsh criticism or, depending on the context, shame, discredit, dishonor.. Even if we did not know the word's meaning, we could conclude what it is by taking the whole sentence into consideration.
<u>The sentence talks of people reacting badly -disapproving- new regulations. Then, it claims that no other law has had such a bad reaction as the one for raising the driving age. We can assume opprobrium still refers to disapproving, to a reaction of criticism. As a matter of fact, the word opprobrium is being used as a fancy way to avoid the repetition of "disapproval" in the sentence. We can, therefore, safely say that opprobrium means "criticism" and that "disapproval" is its synonym.</u>