La Segunda Guerra Mundial terminó con la rendición incondicional de los poderes del Eje. El 8 de mayo de 1945, los Aliados aceptaron la rendición de Alemania, aproximadamente una semana después de que Adolf Hitler se hubiera suicidado. VE Day - Victoria en Europa celebra el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el 8 de mayo de 1945
In the period 1750 - 1900, there were many revolutions around the world, that changed the global social, economic, and political landscape. Many of these revolutions had one thing in common: they were led by people who demanded the end of monarchies or dictatorships, and the establishment of more republicans forms of government.
We had three good examples to confirm this: the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Latin American Revolutions. They all occurred from the end of the XVIII century to the first three decades of the XIX century. They all wanted to end a monarchical form of government, and to replace it with a Republican form of government.
The American Revolution is the clearest example, it resulted in the secession of the American Colonies from the United Kingdom, and the formation of a new federal republic: the United States of America.
The decisive battle of the war was fought at Yorktown! A is the correct answer!
15,000 - 30,000 years ago
Framework for Peace in the Middle East and Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel