Answer: =======> The difference between, Original Jurisdiction refers to where a case originates. Appellate Jurisdiction means that the court
reviews decisions from other courts. For example; if you are prosecuted for a crime, the court where the trial
would be held has original jurisdiction. A court that reviews decisions of trial courts would have
Appellate Jurisdiction. The U.S. Supreme Court is generally a court of appellate jurisdiction but it
does have original jurisdiction for cases between states.
Hope that helps!!!!! : )
Yes, in many ways, they were immoral when it came to taking actions towards Native Americans.
After the discovery of the New World, many European countries tried their hands in establishing colonies in unknown lands. Clashing differences between the Natives and Americans led the U.S. government to approve over 1,500 wars, raids, and attacks on Indians. Native Indians ordered to leave their homeland and forced to walks for miles towards that led to known as the trail of tears.
Spain reaches America with conquistador and soldiers in search of gold and riches. Spanish establish colonies and converted many of the Native Indians into Christianity. Catholic Missionaries showed no tolerant attitude toward traditional religious practices. Spanish colonizer killed and conquered old civilizations like Inca, Maya, and Aztec. They introduced the encomienda system.
The renaissance was inspired by the nationalistic pride of the Gaelic revival (q.v.); by the retelling of ancient heroic legends in books such as the History of Ireland (1880) by Standish O'Grady and A Literary History of Ireland (1899) by Douglas Hyde; and by the Gaelic League, which was formed in 1893 to
10. sacugwea (I dont think I spelt her name right)
<span>he dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.</span>