The complementary and alternative medicine theraphy that involves the use of highly diluted extract is Homeopathy.
<h3>What is
Homeopathy, often known as homoeopathy, is a pseudoscientific alternative medical approach. The idea behind homeopathy is known as similia similibus curentur, or "like cures like," and it holds that a chemical that causes disease symptoms in healthy individuals can treat like symptoms in sick people. Homeopathy is incompatible with all current scientific understanding of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. Typically biochemically inert, homeopathic medicines have no effect on any recognized diseases. The subsequent finding of viruses and bacteria as the causes of sickness is incompatible with its theory of disease, which was based on concepts Hahnemann called miasms. There has generally been no objective impact from homeopathic medications, according to clinical research.
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<span> Blood flow to the </span>heart<span> is blocked its known as a heart attack, this is due to circulatory problems.
C</span>ardiac arrest<span> is when the heart stops completely and all of a sudden unlike a heart attack its known to be an e</span><span>lectrical problem.
Someone having cardiac arrest and are unresponsive, would need to be shocked by </span><span>defibrillator, whereas if someone is having a hear attack you will need to put them into recovery position and do CPR.</span><span>
A. They destroy antigens because they are a foreign object.
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