The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1804, required the Electoral College to vote separately for president and vicepresident.
Until then, the Electoral College indirectly elected the vice president of the United States: while the president obtained the majority of the electoral votes, the candidate who finished second acceded to the vice presidency. Thus, political disputes were generated because many times it could happen that these candidates did not have similar political plans, or even didn't belong to the same party. With the approval of this Amendment, the vice president moved to integrate the presidential ballot, with which the voters had to start choosing candidates for both positions, and not only for the presidency.
The idea behind citizen owning property in order to vote was that the Americans don't want to give recognition to people from other race or ethnicity.
In 1789, it was decided that only fair Americans above 21 years of age and have ownership of land will get the right to vote. It should compulsorily be noted that such elites constituted a very meagre population.
This was a discriminatory type of enfranchisement as it curbs the right to vote of black men and landless African Americans.
Creole elites pushed for a continuation of European traditions in postcolonial Latin America.
It allowed for slaves to be counted as people halfway to please the abolitionists, but didn't allow them to be citizens to please the pro-slavery side.