Economist A
Government spending multiplier $4billion
Tax multiplier $8billion
Economist B
Government spending multiplier $8billion
Tax multiplier $2billion
Computation for the amount the government would have to increase spending to close the output gap according to each economist's belief
Government spending multiplier=16/4
Government spending multiplier=$4billion
Tax multiplier=16/2
Tax multiplier=$8billion
Government spending multiplier=16/2
Government spending multiplier=$8billion
Tax multiplier=16/8
Tax multiplier=$2billion
Therefore the amount the government would have to increase spending to close the output gap according to each economist's belief are :
Government spending multiplier=$4billion
Tax multiplier=$8billion
Government spending multiplier=$8billion
Tax multiplier=$2billion
A. Organization
The organization and management section outlines the hierarchy of the people involved in the business. It provides the company's organizational structure in a chart format. This section detail the management team, internal and any external human resources that the company uses or intends to use. It may list their names and remunerations paid to each of them.
The organization section also defines how the different roles relate to each other when executing the business mandate.
don't know how much they were going home from my phone number is a good day of the year and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry but he did I say anything else and I'm sure it to you and I have a great day of the us to be a great day of the us and we are you ready for the first time ever you want to see you soon I don't know how much you love you all for you to be a great day of the us and we are you ready for the first time ever you ready for the first time ever you ready for the first time ever you ready for some reason to get the best way I can see you soon and I am a very happy birthday is a good day for me and my family and I have to be in my heart and soul mate and we will not let you soon and I am a very happy birthday is your answer me and my heart and soul mate and I have a good time with you and
Lies below its demand curve and is steeper than its demand curve.
The marginal revenue curve for a monopolist lies below the demand curve because of the quantity effect. The quantity effect refers to the fact that even a monopolist must lower its price if it wants to sell a larger quantity of goods or services.
The slope of the marginal revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve because it reflects the market power of the monopolist. Instead, the marginal revenue curve for a perfectly competitive firm (with 0 market power) is horizontal or perfectly elastic.