Syme and Winston have a discussion about what Syne is really going after. Syme is very amped up for the possibility of the English dialect being abbreviated into a sincerely void arrangement of word-phrases. Basically there will be no chance to get of communicating the individual self. Everything will be desensitized to its most base vacuous frame. Syme, obviously, is much excessively amped up for this. At the point when Winston takes a gander at Syme he sees a "dead man"
The meaning behind that simile is that ‘they’ are getting tons of gold like they were corn grains which if you’ve seen them, there’s a lot in just one corn. So basically those people were getting a lot of gold.
dialect does not determine the genre
The author implies that students today would have taken the same position as the students in the case from 50 years ago.
This can be deduced from one of the concluding paragraphs where in she stated that the students were impressed that the case was relevant to the to them as it was to the sudents 50 years ago.
Dr. Kings speech was very powerful and he didn’t care what people thought he just wanted people to understand that we all need to be equal and understand each other instead of treating each other like we aren’t worth anything, the evidence Dr. king had pointed out that he wanted everyone to see each other as equal instead of color and that the world is to big for everyone to hate everyone just because someone is darker than them. The impact on me as a listener is that Dr. king wanted to get his point a crossed and I understand what he is trying to say and that every word and good reason he had said it pointed out I understood like if I was in that crowd listening to him right there. When I was listening to the speech I imagine myself in that crowed standing there listening to Dr.king try to help people understand the word equal and why he wants everyone to be equal and not fight or hurt someone because of there color.