Actividades industriales.
La industria es la parte de la economía que produce bienes y proporciona servicios, a partir de la modificación de las materias primas obtenidas de la naturaleza.
La industria se puede dividir en cuatro partes. La primera parte son las industrias donde los recursos naturales se convierten en productos como la minería, la tala y la agricultura. La segunda parte son las industrias en las que las materias primas se convierten en productos, como la automoción y la siderurgia. La tercera parte son las industrias de servicios como el comercio y la banca. La cuarta parte es la investigación, el diseño y el desarrollo que pueden conducir al cambio y al progreso tecnológico. Los países en desarrollo suelen tener economías basadas más en la primera y segunda partes, mientras que en los países industrializados se pone más énfasis en la tercera y cuarta partes que en los países en desarrollo.
The scorpion who makes a violent poison, and also gets drunk if the poison gets to their own mouth.
Option (B)
According to the law of cross-cutting relationships, in a geological feature where an igneous rock body is intruded by any intrusive body such as a fault and d(i)kes, then the intrusive bodies are considered to be younger than the surrounding igneous rock.
In the given condition, the basalt is the older surrounding rock which is being cut across by a fault, and this follows the principle of cross-cutting relationship.
Thus, the correct answer is option (B).
A map is a representation of the Earth's surface. It is also a portable document describing an area. A map can also provide data such as migration trends, directions, and rock composition. There are many types of maps: The physical map shows land and water formations: mountains, oceans, rivers, the climate type shows the type of weather conditions occurring in the world, the political map shows how the earth's surface is divided into borders: continents, countries, and states... The science of making maps is referred to as cartography.
Fuels such as coal, petroleum release unburnt particles in the environment. The particles result in air pollution and cause respiratory diseases such as respiratory illness, lung damage, ozone (smog) effect, reduces the ability of blood to bring oxygen to the blood cells and tissues, liver and kidney etc.