“It was traditional in the Renaissance to imagine that cuckolds—men whose wives committed adultery—had horns on their heads. Benedick's evocation of this image suggests that any woman he marries is sure to cheat on him.”- Sparknotes
I would word it differently btw
The salutation is to greet the person you are addressing, it goes before the introduction. The introduction is a brief summary of the letter itself and the body is the letter itself.
The punctuation mark that is not used internally in a sentence is a period (.). Periods are only used when ending a sentence therefore, it should only put at the end. Periods signal that the sentence has already ended and no continuation needed.
continuous innovation
The vast majority of new products can be classified as continuous innovations (or incremental innovations) where one existing product is changed into a new product. By carrying out continuous innovations, the producers do not alter existing consumer habits. Most consumers rarely notice continuous innovations and they do not even consider that they are actually using a new product. E.g. every time the formula for a soap, detergent, shampoo, etc., changes it is considered a continuous innovation even though people still buy the same product. Continuous innovations basically refers to improving existing products.
The person who said these lines is the Nurse.