The submarine began its descent. The light from the surface began to get darker and darker. Soon the only light left came from the sub. I began getting nervous, a feeling I had never felt in all my explorations. Unexpectedly, something slammed into the side of the submarine and I stumbled to the side. I was surprised at the shock I felt, nothing shocks me, I’m a scientist. I’d discovered hundreds of things, each weirder than the last, and never once been surprised. As I looked out the subs window, that was the only emotion I could describe the feeling I felt, as I looked at the face on the other side.
"Nothing shocks me, I am a scientist". I had lived by that for years, decades even. Nothing affected me, from horrific lab accidents to terrible mutations. They were all just things that could happen and then happened, nothing more, nothing less. But sometimes-sometimes you see something. Something you were not meant to see. Something not of God. Something not of The Devil. Something not of anything you know. Something that was not for your eyes and your eyes have been punished for it. Your mind has been punished for it. You have been punished for it.