A clef placing F below middle C on the 2nd highest line off the staff
In the early years of the cold war, the medium music served as a vehicle of propaganda for the advocates of the atomic bomb. The 1946 song When the Atom Bomb fell by Karl & Harty glorifies the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as “the answer to our fighting boys’ prayers”, the effects of the atom bombs were trivialised which was typical for the early Cold War popular culture.
A shift came when the possibility of a nuclear strike on the USA increased in the 1950s. Civil Defense films like Duck & Cover were used for educational purposes, explaining the right course of action in case of an attack.
Hello my name is john. This is my first week as a Confederate soldier. I've seen lots of things. My friends, my comrades, even my family die in front of my eyes. But one thing I learned is that the sun is killing more people than I ever can or will. This was a lont first week but as my wish to serve. My passion to end slavery is stronger.