In the numerical form of the value, 913, 256.
If we deduce it as a set of individual numbers in 913
900, 000 = nine hundred thousand
10, 000 = ten thousand
3, 000 = three thousand
913 = nine hundred and thirteen thousand
Again if we combine the set word form of the number value we
will have nine hundred and thirteen thousand for 913 in 913, 256.
You cannot save those who are dead, however those who still breathe, may already be dead, their spirit, their love, it may be gone. You can give those who need hope, hope. But the dead cannot be brought back. Unlike hope.
3D printing has been very useful because of making things we desire. Using the traditional methods will give better depth and look. We can use this advantage to make maybe better things.
Here are some examples:
-the stress of being someone they're not
-social media getting in their way
-peer pressure
-culture being dissed upon
School gives children the opportunity to make new friends