Benvolio thinks that Romeo should go to the Capulet party, if only to see all of the beautiful girls. He should forget Rosaline and allow his eyes to wander freely. By giving liberty unto thine eyes.
So people would expect the main character to die since he is always being tortured but he always get saved by<span> General LaSalle</span>
Answer: The otter is a playful animal.
There is a new safari habitat at the zoo, you can go see it if you like.
Bats are nocturnal insect eaters, some may say they are scary.
Having a pet snake can have it's own dangers. .43% of people in the USA die from their pet snake.
Hippos are large semi-aquatic mammals, with a large body shorter legs, and a very large head.
Explanation: i hope this helps :)
B. to resolve a conflict
Option B is the correct answer because it shows the new state of Parvana. This tells us that something actually has happened before her hair started falling more and more.
This passage reveals what happened to her hair after her fell away. She began to feel differently. Her whole face brightened up.
This passage actually shows that a conflict is being resolve here. This brings the story to the conclusion.