Blaxploitation or blacksploitation is an ethnic subgenre of the exploitation film that emerged in the United States during the early 1970s. The films, while popular, suffered backlash for disproportionate numbers of stereotypical film characters showing bad or questionable motives, including most roles as criminals resisting arrest. However, the genre does rank among the first in which black characters and communities are the heroes and subjects of film and television, rather than sidekicks, villains, or victims of brutality.[1] The genre's inception coincides with the rethinking of race relations in the 1970s.
La corrupción política o Malpolítica es el uso de poderes por parte de los funcionarios del gobierno o sus contactos en la red para un beneficio privado ilegítimo. Las formas de corrupción varían, pero pueden incluir soborno, cabildeo, extorsión, amiguismo, nepotismo, provincianismo, clientelismo, tráfico de influencias, corrupción y malversación.
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D. the right to communally shared property.
The Declaration of Independence of the United States was signed on July 4, 1776. It states the identity of America and the principle of the US government. The Preamble of the Declaration of Independence of the United States clearly states that men are created equal and that men are endowed by their Creator with unalienable Rights such as Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. It doesn't say anything about the right to a communally shared property.
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