1. Hello, humanity! My time here is short so I will speak briefly and very directly.
2. Have you ever thought about what it is like to be a turkey at Christmas? or better yet, where do you get the meat that you consume all year?
3. This meat comes from a live animal, which did not wish to die, to be killed to promote the survival of another being. Like everyone else, animals want to live.
4. Animals feel fear, pain, despair and sadness and we enter a state of complete terror when we are habituated so that you can eat our meats.
5. So I ask you to put yourself in our places and reflect on the value of our lives. Sincerely: The turkey.
As you may already know, twitter is a social network that does not allow large texts and everything has to be written in a direct and short form. For this reason, the Christmas turkey quickly decided to address the animals' feelings about being slaughtered so that humans can eat their meat. Peru wanted to make people reflect on how animals deserve respect and feeding on them is not respectful and can be considered cruelty if humans put themselves in their shoes.
Incomplete question. However, I inferred you are referring to May 14, 2015, theconversation online article by Manu Saunders a Post-doctoral Research Fellow (Ecology), at Charles Sturt University.
The article stresses the consequences of single-crop farming on wildlife survival in other to allow for biodiversity. Specifically, she focuses on the impact of single-crop farming on wild pollinators such as native bees and hoverflies.
Therefore, according to Manu's research, this pollinators have restricted access to diverse resources as a result of single-crop farming; which leads us to the central theme; Single-Crop Farming Is Leaving Wildlife With No Room To Turn.
Option c
Dr. King’s main points are as follows: we were promised freedom; now is the time to honor that promise; and we will not be satisfied until we are free.
Science fiction is based imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets. realistic fiction is a genre consisting of stories that could have actually occurred to people or animals in a believable setting.
Rereading. Or looking up unknown words.