The answers to 1st question and part 2A is given. However, the 2B is not given complete and thus cannot be answered.
UNION is a keyword used in C Language to have a commonly shared memory that can be used by multiple elements. It is a data-type that allows different data types to use the same shared memory location.
Importance: If you want to minimize the use of memory by sharing it between different datatype variables, then use UNION. For Ex. Let's suppose I want to use 2 variables a and b of type char and int respectively. Now, suppose int takes memory space of 2 bytes and char takes 1 byte then the total amount of memory needed = 2 + 1 = 3 Bytes. But, we want to first make use of a, and once done, we want to declare variable b. We can limit the memory use by declaring a memory space of 2 bytes (max of a and b). First, we can use this space to store the int variable and when done with it, we can use it to store the char variable.
typedef struct{
int partNum;
char partName[25];
} partin;
#define Partin partin
Binary searches are required to be first sorted, since they use process of elimination through halving the list every round until the answer is found. Linear searches just start from the beginning and check one by one.
Baje las persianas o cierre las cortinas en los días calurosos, para mantener la casa fresca y reducir el uso de ventiladores eléctricos o aire acondicionado. Deje que la ropa se seque naturalmente. Mantenga las tapas en las ollas cuando cocine para ahorrar energía. Use baterias recargables.
<em>Arduino is a free and open-source electronics platform with simple hardware and software. Arduino boards can read inputs, turn on a sensor and transform it into an output, activate a motor, and turn on an LED. Sara may direct her board by sending a series of instructions to the board's microcontroller. To accomplish so, she used the Arduino programming language and the Arduino Software (IDE), both of which are founded on Processing.</em>
The answer is Page Layout Ribbon. The <span>area contains the command used to customize the print options in microsoft excel is Page Layout Ribbon.</span>