The boarder between the USA and Mexico what moved South.
Mexico lost the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848. In doing so it lost about one-third of its land to the USA. Texas was taken and the boarder was changed to the Rio Grande. Mexico also ceded modern-day California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. Some regions of Colorado and Wyoming were also included in this.
The Inca empire was based in Peru. Note that the empire spread in more countries then just the seat of the empire, like Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile and Argentina.
Confucianism calls for better-trained and more able managers to focus on orderly conduct and proper relations in all social contexts, while Daoism disdains this system, preferring a return to local, village-based communities with little government interference.
Answer: C) or the third option.
The reason why the year consists of 365 days is because it takes 365 days for our planet to make one full revolution around the sun and the reason why the day consists of 24 hours is because it takes 24 hours for our planet to make one full rotation.