In the village, The Community follows an eerie late-eighteenth-century village and the challenges they experience as a result of where they live, as well as their efforts to keep the true truth hidden and hope alive among the shaken inhabitants.
Lucius Hunt is a powerful but quiet type with the heart of his girl friend Ivy Walker, who would walk to the end of the world to save him.
Lucius Hunt is a powerful young man who prefers to keep his presence to himself wherever he goes. He intends to marry his childhood buddy Ivy Walker.
John Proctor's priorities aren't always in line, as seen by his committing adultery and putting his wife's life in danger as a result of his actions.
<h3>Who wrote the Crucible?</h3>
Arthur Miller's four-act drama The Crucible was produced and published in 1953. The Crucible, set in 1692 during the Salem witch trials, examines present events in American politics amid the age of fear and need for conformity brought on by Sen.
Learn more about the Crucible:
Answer: It can be 'increased speed' or 'sped up'. 'sped' is the past tense speed.
Della and Jim sell valuable things to get money to buy gifts for each other, because they are poor. Both Della and Jim give up valuable possessions so they can buy Christmas gifts for each other. Della and Jim were wise because they were willing to make sacrifices to show their love for each other.
POINT. Begin your paragraph by stating your point.
EXPLANATION. Give evidence to substantiate your point.
EXAMPLE or EVIDENCE. Explaining in more detail about how and why your evidence supports your point.
LINK. Provide a smooth link to your next paragraph and/or point.