Aztecs built dams that were called <em>"albarradas"</em>.
The city of Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec empire. In 1325, it was founded by King Tenoch on the Texcoco´s Lake.
The particularity of its location required that Aztecs develop great skills in the management of Texcoco´s waters. They devised a complex system of canals, dams, gates and storm deposits.
After the huge flood of 1449, the emperor Nezahualcóyotl ordered the construction of a huge stone and mortar dam to contain the lake's waters. This dam was located from the Mexicaltzingo pier and was 16 km long, heading south to north.
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It is b beacause the American Association for restored peapole.
The third most Dangerous is Teguigalpa
In 1924, Congress and President Calvin Coolidge drastically restricted immigration to the U.S. by placing most countries on a strict quota system. Mexico was excluded from these restrictions. In this same period, however, Mexicans in the U.S. commonly faced discrimination and even racial violence.
C. Self-determination.
Self-determination, which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson preferred to call "self-government," was a political condition which he considered essential if the world was to have a peaceful co-existence after the huge levels violence, and loss of human lives and property caused by World War I. Unfortunately, the French delegation that negotiated peace with Germany and the other countries of the Central Powers, took over complete control of the negotiation and Wilson' proposal, or The Fourteen Points, was ignored.