1. Yo voy
5.Tú vas
2. ellos hacen
Elena es
3. Juan y yo somos
7. Vosotros hacéis
4. Los estudiantes hacen
8. Yo hago
1. Luis va a la feria.
2. Nosotros hacemos las tareas.
3. El día será muy divertido.
4. Ella va al museo
5. Ana hace la cama
6. Ellos van al zoológico
7. Está aburrido el museo
$ yo hago la tarea
Texto literario:
•función poética o artística
•estilo cuidado y labrado
•lenguaje variado y rico
•representación de la realidad
Texto no literario:
•función instructiva,
•función informativa o didáctica
estilo sobrio, claro y conciso
•lenguaje no ambiguo
•carácter divulgativo
its you soy fuerte y alto
Lol, glad I'm not going to take Spanish class in high school cuz I'm latin LOL
To surf in the internet without wires, you'll need....
To make vidoes of you're family you can use....
When you go to a website, the first thing that you'll see is...
If someone calls you from your phone and you don't answer, they can leave a message in...
The internet of computers and servers more important of the world (wut .-.) is...
To find the information in the interent you use a...
I translated..hope this helped? xx
Answer: c) fabulosa, organizada y divertida
Sentence: Mi fiesta de cumpleaños es <em><u>fabulosa, organizada y divertida.</u></em>
Translation: My birthday party is cool, organized, and fun.
In Spanish, adjectives have to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. The subject of this sentence is fiesta, which is a feminine and singular noun, so its adjectives have to match. "Fabulosa, organizada y divertida."