In his Preface to Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth focused on the common man.
Giving something non-human human traits in a story, like a talking frog or something
Okay so gerunds are a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun, in English ending in -ing, example would be like asking in 'do you mind my asking you?'
So the first one would be 'giggling', then the second one would be 'fixing.'
the next two would be a bit harder because there are no words that have a prefix of -ing, but im not to sure about them because i dont think they have a gerund in them...
but the next ones are, 'laughing' and 'squinting'
sorry i couldnt help with all of them.
A demand is like i want this done now and a request is like can you do this for me
It would simply be "They respect each other".
Respect in time tenses is either spelled, "Respected", "Respect", or "Will Respect."
The fact that it's third person does not change the word since it can be said as "I respect you", "You respect yourself" "They respect each other"