His orchestral music was a dramatic change from his early compositions because his symphonies and concertos grew longer in length and their sound needed additional instruments added to the orchestra. His music is considered the classical music of this time.
A. The Indian Removal Act
Roads created improved trade routes over long distances
Based on history, Spain and Portugal were the first one to colonize the nearby country making the country expand on its territory. Meanwhile, Portugal mainly focusing on the trades and economy of its country. In contrary to this, Spain got an idea to find spices from nearby country since it was at that time has a greater value.But, It is the Spain send missionaries and friars to nearby country to Christianize those native people.
Taxation by the British crown, blockades of the trade routes
It started 1765 and ended in 1783
Boston Tea Party 1773
The Americans failed to invade Canada in during the winter of 1775
British captured New York City in 1776
Battle of Saratoga 1777
What caused the American colonies to win was the capture of a British army at Yorktown
Treaty of Paris was signed 1783 ending the war