✓ They can be sold by the country to act as a source of revenue
✓ Exploitation of minerals from their sources provide employment opportunities for the minors
✓The mineral can be used as raw materials for making products
✓ Exploitation of minerals from a country can open the countries trade opportunities with other countries.
✓ The mining of a mineral can lead to infrastructural development
✓Mining can lead to land dereliction
✓Mining can lead to loss of biodiversity
✓ Mining sites are left ugly after after their mineral being mined get exhausted
✓Mining sites after mining is over are usually prone to accidents
gefülltes brot oder Fleisch
Als Zwischenmahlzeit werden häufig gefüllte Gebäckstücke gegessen und auch von Straßenverkäufern angeboten. Die bevorzugte Fleischsorte ist Lammfleisch, ansonsten werden Ziege, Rindfleisch, Kamelfleisch, Geflügel und Wildbret häufig gegessen.