Mexico would have been the champs
In the voting rights of 1820 you were aloud to vote even if you didn’t own land because of the Amendments of the Constition.
The Spanish brought 16,000 tons of silver and 181 tons of gold into their country between 1500 and 1650.
The Gulf of Tonkin is located on the eastern boarders of Vietnam.
The key point of King's speech was to make an impact on both black and white people about why there should be no segregation.
King use several differnet phrases from The Constitution to prove the point that all people are created equal under God and not just white people. The crowds reactionn was very positive as many were cheering him on for doing something that many had failed to do before. His use of rhetoric is used to convince people that are not allied with him that segregation does no good for anyone and how damaging it is.