Try searching it up in google first
<em>the Gupta empire continued resisting the invasions of the Huns</em>, a nomadic people who lived in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, between the 4th and 6th century.
The Hun invaders were defeated by Bhanugupta in 510. They were also defeated and driven out of India in 528 by king Yashodharman, and by emperor Narasimhagupta.
It is said that such invasions had long-term effects on India, contributing to the end of this classical Indian civilization.
I can infer people in the congress can be corrupt and don't do their jobs properly, and are cheating the system treating society poorly.
C. Avoid the problem of fighting Allied powers on two fronts; In more detail, the Schlieffen plan was the Imperial German plan to force a French surrender early in the case of a two front war with France and Russia. The plan stated that German troops should attack the French lowlands by marching through Belgium and advancing along the coast until the German units completed a pincer movement to the west of Paris, cutting off the main French force from their Capital. This was planned to be done in a few weeks, that way Germany could start an offensive against Russia before they could mobilize their army.
Do Paleolítico superior em diante, há ampla evidência de que os primeiros humanos usavam outros materiais além de pedra, como osso, chifre e marfim, como parte de seu kit de ferramentas. os ossos longos (ossos dos membros) dos animais podem ser divididos e moldados em ferramentas como furadores, picaretas e agulhas.