In all of the options you provided, driving would be the gerund.
Function Analogy
:) Hope this helped.
I don't think war is important unless another country wants to start one, then i think it is important to try and win, so that the country wanting to war knows not to mess with your country. but i don't believe that someone should go looking to start a war whenever it is unnecessary.
Hope i helped. -Sheckelstein.
Option D: bare black branches
"Inking their cress" is metaphorical language that means that the silhouette of the trees against the sky, is like a mark of imprint on the sky. The language is meant to bring the trees to life and give them character and mood, as though their gentle movements and forms are etching the air.
There is a quote that accurately portrays the mood when Helen discovers her husbands fate:
"Scout," said Dill, "She just fell down in the dirt. Just fell down in the dirt, like a giant with a big foot just came along and stepped on her. Just ump-" Dills fat foot hit the ground. "Like you'd step on an ant."
Helen was very upset about Toms death.