If we are talking about the reconstruction period, the Radical republicans wanted to ensure an absolute right to vote to all African-Americans, as well as giving them land and education as a mandatory thing. Moderate ones didn't want to agitate the southerners too much so they didn't want to give them land, and when it comes to education, it was open to them but was not mandatory for African-Americans to go to school.
They are in the same country of Ireland.
Belfast is in Northern Ireland, while Cork City is in the Republic of Ireland, which is in Ireland of course.
Otherwise, I doubt there is any more simple and common similarities.
The liberals did not want an elected parliament.
B. Most people lives in rural areas and worked on farms because this wasn’t accurate at the time and churches,knights, and peasants.
It will be found, indeed, on a candid review of our situation, that some of the distresses under the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects