Round character or all around character
Your answer would be "to be chief".
"To be chief" is an infinitive clause which functions as the direct object of the transitive verb <em>likes. </em>An infinitive is a verbal consisting of the particle <em>to </em>plus a verb. In this case, the transitive verb <em>to like</em> selects two arguments: the NP <em>he </em>and the infinitive clause <em>to be chief. </em>In this way, it is possible to say that the inifinitive clause functions as an noun phrase. NPs usually occupy the direct object position.
Macbeth is afraid because the witch might know about his wanting for power, and the word he can't say "Amen" because he murdered Duncan, so he can say the word nor speak it :3
The verb <em>to cost </em>is C. linking irregular weak verb.
It is irregular because its past form is not formed with -ed, but: cost - cost - cost. It is linking because it links the subject with its price.
I think Mary and Colin´s transformation is gradual. Mary and Colin both become different people. Mary grows up and is less spoiled, and Colin outgrows his mean ways when he goes outside and sees the secret garden realizing he wasn´t injured as previously thought. As for evidence I am currently re-reading the book now.