Socrates's approach to seeking knowledge, and some of his fellow Athenians find it controversial is described below in detail.
Socrates evolved the dialectical method for obtaining knowledge. He practiced an inductive approach to argumentation to generate universal explanations. This was his approach to the certainty that would be developed by Plato. Socrates highlighted knowledge all his life because he considered that “the intelligence to differentiate between right and wrong rests in people's understanding, not in society.”
President Thomas Jefferson had many reasons for wanting to acquire the Louisiana Territory. The reasons included future protection, expansion, prosperity and the mystery of unknown lands. President Jefferson had a personal library filled with the world's largest selection of books on the Louisiana Territory.
He supported international commerce to benefit farmers and wanted to see new technology widely incorporated into ordinary farms and households to make them more productive. During his lifetime, Thomas Jefferson was accused of having an adulterous affair with Sally Hemings, one of his slaves.
true I hope this help good luck with the answer
The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence.
Idk but its some kinda law