Plagiarizing means when some one copy the content of any topic from the sources i.e website, solutions manual, friend manual. And if some one check the solutions and find it that it was copied from somewhere the same we termed as plagiarizing.
In the given situation, if someone copying the content from someone else document so it would be called as deliberate plagiarizing
And if someone did not have any idea about it so we called accidental plagiarizing
The Reference type variable is such type of variable in C# that holds the reference of memory address instead of value. Examples for reference type are classes, interfaces, delegates and arrays.
We can pass parameters to the method by reference using <em>ref </em>keyword
It’s mandatory to initialize the variable value before we pass it as an argument to the method in c#
For example,
int x = 10; // Variable need to be initialized
Add(ref x); // method call
If you pass parameters by reference in method definition, any changes made to it affect the other variable in method call.
Here's a sample program:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication
public class Test
public static void Main()
int i = 10;
Console.WriteLine("i=" + i);
Add(ref i);
Console.WriteLine("i=" + i);
public static void Add( ref int j)
j = j + 10;
If you save the input as num,
this will print the input 8 times.
num = input("Enter a number: ")
print(num * 8)
If you want to do actual math calculations,
then the input needs to be a number.
num = float(input("Enter a number: "))
print(num * 8)
This doesn't account for any errors in which the user doesn't input a number, but I don't think that's what you were looking for anyway :)
The answer is Web and Digital communications
MOD means the remainder after a division calculation.

The remainder is 3