Vegetative Propagation.
Vegetative propagation is technique through which plants reproduction takes place in an asexual way. This is usually done by cutting a stem of a plant and to reproduce another plant from the existing one. This can also be done via sexual means.
The advantages of growing of fruits and vegetables by using vegetative propagation are many. The biggest benefit is if we have a plant of a desirable trait, that same plant can be used again and again to reproduce fruits and vegetables. Vegetative propagation is also treated as cloning method.
1.6 million square km
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an excellent proof of how much the humans are damaging the environment, and how little they actually care about it. The biggest ocean on the planet, the Pacific Ocean, has a garbage patch that is estimated to be 1.6 million km in size. To put into a perspective, that's approximately twice the size of Texas. That data is from 2015 though, so the chances are that in the present the garbage patch is even bigger. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes to literary be a slow moving island of garbage. It is around 3.5 meters deep, and it contains around 7 million tons of garbage, the majority of which is plastic. This garbage patch actually has so much plastic that it outnumbers the plankton in the Pacific Ocean. The fish that lives around it, as well as the other marine life, are badly affected, and around 8% of them actually have plastic in them because of it.
Each location of a city correlates with the economy, the climate, weather changes, and population. When choosing a city to visit or stay in, most decisions are correlated around those major issues, or facts.
I hope this helps!