The officer did not have time to secure a warrant
Board games were a favorite pastime in Egypt, and Senet was the most popular of these. It was played by two people, either on elaborate carved and inlayed boards like the one found in Tutankhamen's tomb, or simply scratched into the earth.
You can jus my check google it’s normally faster..
Oxens were more reliable and tougher than mules. They will eat poor grass. Oxen were very strong and could haul fully-loaded wagons up ravines or drag them out of mudholes. A large wagon needed at least three pairs of oxen to pull it.
The appropriate answer in A. Building the Berlin Wall. The official purpose of the Berlin Wall was to prevent West Germany from undermining the political ideals from East Germany. The Wall also prevent East Germans from going to the West.
Construction of the wall began in 1961 and was used until it's 'fall' on November 9, 1989. The wall was initially concrete and barbed wire but was fortified over time with various check points to monitor traffic.
control their own reproductive lives.
by removing from penal codes the laws limiting access to contraceptive information and devices and laws governing abortion.