Personally, I would ask myself what i am and wonder what I'm doing there. I'd point out everything about myself from the parts I didn't like to the parts I did. I think I'd also want to be something else i see, for example, if I saw another object I would say that I want to be or look more like them because I've looked at myself for such a long time that it's tiring and I want something new.
You can inspire yourself from this i guess because we obviously wouldn't think or speak the same things.
An infinitive is the verb form using the word "to," as in "to eat," "to play," or "to read." An infinitive phrase includes the base infinitive plus other modifiers or complements. An infinitive phrase can often be used as the subject of a sentence because it refers to the act itself rather than doing the action. In this case, "to make it to the end of the day" is an infinitive phrase acting as the subject of the sentence.
<em>Metaphor, personification.
<em>The poem cherry tree is about the cherry tree which the poet wants to plant. He sow the seeds and seeds grow into a sapling and then in to a plant. It took eight years for the plant to produce cherry after so much struggle like extreme cold conditions, goat eating leaves of the tree, fungus of the plant etc.,
<em>Metaphor is a figure of speech in which the poet compares two things but cannot be taken literally. Example:’ Ripened and jewelled in the sun’ he tells that the berry is like a jewel in the sunlight which shows us that he admires the fruit but not ‘it looks like a jewel’.
<em>Personification means the author's way of behaviour the plant or any non living thing in comparison with a human being. Example: The flower danced in the cool breeze. In this poem it says about the cherry tree. ‘Its arms in a fresh fierce lust’.</em>