Jesus is my Brother up in heaven
By following the commandments from the Lds church and thanking him for repenting for all my sins so i can live with him again
I Thank him for my blessings and ask for blessings
When i watch General Conference, all the speakers
It helps me be at peace beacuse I know he is true so i go through out my day always thinking of him and asking myself. "If he was here would i still do it?"
I learned that he loves me
1) A pickpocket stole his wallet
2) The scorching sun was unbearable
3) The crowded train screeched to a halt
C because smollet is the captain and trealawney wants to be part of the crew
Literature broadly is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, drama, and poetry. In recent centuries, the definition has expanded to include oral literature, much of which has been transcribed.
"Instinctual" appears more frequently in scientific writing and refers to the notion of behavior itself, while "instinctive" may sometimes be reserved to describe specific behaviors. ... Instinctive is defined as “of, relating to, or being instinct” and “prompted by natural instinct or propensity : arising spontaneously.”