I would say its because Saturn is so far away from the Sun and when it orbits the Sun its like 9.5 NU
Citizens of the World State are cremated when they die, so their bodies can be recycled and used as fertilizer. Their bodies aren't considered valuable, there are no funerals or grieving of the dead.
Hope this helps!
-Payshence xoxo
The regulatory centers for the respiratory and circulatory systems are found in the cerebrum
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the most abundant organic molecules in nature. stored in the body in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen.
Proteins and Amino Acids: Proteins are the most abundant organic molecules of the living system. There are twenty amino acids (AA) which have been found to occur in all proteins and for which genetic codon exits.
Lipids are broadly classified (modified from Bloor) into simple, complex, derived and miscellaneous lipids, which are further subdivided. found in cell membranes, cholesterol, blood cells, and in the brain
hope this helps