The ancient Sumerians believed that everything that happened to them - good and bad - was the result of a god's pleasure or displeasure. The daily life of every person was spent seeking ways to please and appease their many (many!) gods. The center of daily life was a very tall temple, the ziggurat.
During the time of the Lunch room sit ins Maratin Luther King was encouaging peacefull protest and demonstrations. The goal was to change the segragation policy of Woolworths in which Blacks were not served at the lunch counter. Three black gentlemen sat at the whites only counter and ordered coffee, they were asked to lave. They remained seated and said they would not leave till they were served.
They were fast moving so they took over lots of land then united them by faith. It also helped that they controlled the Silk Road, the biggest trade network between Europe and Asia.
Answer & Explanation:
The Colonial and Early National Period (17th century to 1830) The first European settlers of North America wrote about their experiences starting in the 1600s. This was the earliest American literature: practical, straightforward, often derivative of literature in Great Britain, and focused on the future.